Graffiti in u'r Body

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Nick Walker Book Launch

Black Rat Press would like to announce that our next exhibition is a book launch and solo show of works by Nick Walker. Drago publishing invited Nick to work with them on a book to be published as part of their 36 Chambers Series. The 36 Chambers is an ongoing Drago project where artists are invited to produce a book with 96 pages in black, white and a colour of their choice – beyond this broad guideline artists have total freedom over the content of the book. For Nicks book - A Sequence of Events - he produced a series of works on paper and we are delighted to celebrate the launch of the book by holding a exhibition of these works along with a book signing.

A sequence of events opens on May 28th at 6pm. 2 Screenprints will be available at the opening, a small number of each edition will be held back for overseas collectors. Any collector from overseas interested in the opportunity to purchase a screenprint should email with the email title Nick walker lottery. Names will be picked at random and offered either one or the other print.

Black Rat Press
83 Rivington St
Graffiti in u'r Body