In this new series of ink drawings by Amanda White, animal and plant forms are stacked, tangled, and swarm together into piles of nature. The images themselves are influenced stylistically by the tradition of botanical and zoological illustrations, but here the subjects are fictional hybrids of flora and fauna. These odd creatures are presented as something between strange specimens and narratives of childhood nostalgia, an entire world for the viewer to encounter and explore.

See more of her artwork from the exhibition HERE.
4 - 28 March 2009
Wednesday-Friday 11am-5pm,
Saturday 12-5pm or by appointment
129 Ossington Ave
ON M6J 2Z6
email: gallery@129ossington.com
Phone: +1 416-532-1310
4 - 28 March 2009
Wednesday-Friday 11am-5pm,
Saturday 12-5pm or by appointment
129 Ossington Ave
ON M6J 2Z6
email: gallery@129ossington.com
Phone: +1 416-532-1310