Graffiti in u'r Body

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Blog Off!

For those of you that don't know your blogs from your clogs, there are a ton of really good people posting out there that aren't esp! So once you've got your daily dose of our visuals, check these gems out:

Skate Blogs:

The Berrics Steve Berra & Eric Koston's skate blog. Tricks & tips, instant hilarity and some tips on how to survive in the city (see Butteryass Mondays section). amongst all the trendy stuff there is some good interviews with skateboarders, look for the Epicly Later'd section in the sports tab (Dustin Dollin is worth a look at).


Alex Bartsch has been mentioned on here before, but I think needs another shout here. Unique photography of his experiences in London and abroad, with the odd review of films too.

Roses are red, Rachel Cuccia's blog. I was put onto this by Revok, who had a link from his blog. An unbelievably attractive lady with hot and stylish friends from NYC. Fashion orientated.

Victor Vauthier
, a friend of mine from east london with his account of life and ladies. Nice fashion blog with some lifestyle shots too.


Revok's blog. One of graffiti's modern day giants. A look into the mighty MSK's glamorous lifestyle. Amazingly good.

12oz Prophet, this is a bunch of writers hub for their blogs including: Grotesk, Earsnot, 123Klan, Bates, and KR to name a few. Not everyone updates often, but well worth a look.

Graff London, a rags to riches graff blog. The updated version is much easier to navigate, good source of british graff news.


Stoner Rock
. The best site for metal & rock music period. Streamed music, gig reviews, interviews, photos, downloads, so good.

Depressive Black Metal
: Listings of most Black Metal albums out there, new and old. This one is for the serious black metal fan.

Certified Banger
, though it's not really my cup of tea, this blog has all the latest on all new UK hip Hop releases.
Graffiti in u'r Body